When we have same column on many table, we need to rewrite the column type and name on each table, this not efficient when you are a “programmer”.
Ok, we will make a provider to handle the macro, you can use AppServiceProvider to write it but i recomended using new ServiceProvider called MacroServiceProvider for consistency if you have many Provider.
Create provider:
php artisan make:provider MacroServiceProvider
Modify MacroServiceProvider
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
public function boot(){ Blueprint::macro('commonFields', function () { $this->timestamps(); $this->softDeletes(); $this->foreignUuid('created_by'); $this->foreignUuid('updated_by')->nullable(); $this->foreignUuid('deleted_by')->nullable(); });}
To use the common fields on migration, you just need to call $table->commonFields()
public function up(){ Schema::create('yourtables', function (Blueprint $table): void { $table->id(); $table->commonFields(); });}
It’s save your time and clean code when you have many table and same column.
Thanks for reading me ❤️