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Enhancing PHP Enums with a Custom Trait

/ 2 min read

PHP 8.1 introduced Enums, providing a structured way to define a fixed set of values. However, there are times when we need additional functionality, such as dynamically retrieving enum values, making enum cases callable, or getting structured attributes. This is where a trait can be useful.

The Problem with Basic Enums

Consider this basic OrderStatus enum:

enum OrderStatus: string
case PENDING = 'pending';
case COMPLETED = 'completed';
case CANCELED = 'canceled';

To access a case value, we typically write:

echo OrderStatus::PENDING->value; // Outputs: 'pending'

But what if we want to:

  • ✅ Call an enum case like a function?
  • ✅ Get an enum case value dynamically using a static method?
  • ✅ Retrieve both name and value easily?

This is where a trait comes in handy.

Create InvokableCases Trait

Let’s define a InvokableCases trait that adds these features:

namespace App\Constants\Traits;
trait InvokableCases
public function __invoke()
return $this->value;
public static function __callStatic(mixed $name, mixed $arguments): mixed
return collect(self::cases())->firstWhere('name', $name)->value;
public function attributes(): array
return [
'name' => $this->name,
'value' => $this->value,

What This Trait Does?

  1. __invoke() Makes an enum case callable, returning its value when invoked.
  2. __callStatic() Allows retrieving an enum value dynamically using a static method call.
  3. attributes() Returns an array with the enum’s name and value.

Using the Trait in an Enum

Now, let’s apply this trait to our OrderStatus enum:

enum OrderStatus: string
use InvokableCases;
case PENDING = 'pending';
case COMPLETED = 'completed';
case CANCELED = 'canceled';

Practical Usage Examples

Calling an Enum Case Like a Function

$status = OrderStatus::PENDING;
echo $status(); // Outputs: 'pending'

Getting Enum Values Dynamically

echo OrderStatus::PENDING(); // Outputs: 'pending'
echo OrderStatus::COMPLETED(); // Outputs: 'completed'

Retrieving Enum Attributes



'name' => 'CANCELED',
'value' => 'canceled'


By using the InvokableCases trait, we have enhanced PHP Enums to be callable, dynamically accessible, and provide structured attributes. This makes Enums much more flexible and easier to use in real-world applications. 🚀